Music Archive Finland

Workflow home

1. Preparation of tape
1.1.  Inspect for damage
 1.1.1. Pack problems
 1.1.2. Deterioration / Vinegar syndrome
 1.1.3. Deterioration / Binder degradation
1.2.  Cleaning of the tape
1.3.  Tape restoration
1.4.  Removal of print-through

2. Preparation of the machine
2.1.  Use modern replay machines
2.2.  Maintain replay machines
2.3.  Clean the tape recorder
2.4.  Select tape head format
2.5.  Select tape speed
2.6.  Set replay equalisation
2.7.  Select the noise reduction
2.8.  Align azimuth

3. A/D -conversion
3.1.  A/D converter and sound card
3.2.  Set sampling rate
3.3.  Set bit depth
3.4.  Set recording level
3.5.  Select target format
3.6.  Monitor the transfer
3.7.  Add technical metadata
3.8.  Post transfer quality control
3.9. Save the archival master
3.10. Create user copies
3.11. Update asset register